A site to support Anglo teachers to share, learn, and use digital technology to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.
Training on Interactive Projectors use and other important tech survival info
what you need
If you have an EPSON BrightLink 585Wi, you need to download and install the following software:
Easy Interactive Driver v4.03
Easy Interactive Tools v4.23
USB Display Installer v1.74
If you use a room with Casio projector and an Apple TV, or you use a room with a TV, you do not need to download and install special software.
You also need the controls, the pens, and the USB cable (which enables interactivity) properly installed in your classroom.
the setup
You can use the projector in the following ways:
Option 1: As a stand alone device (you do not need to connect anything, no computer, iPad or Apple TV), and it's still amazing.
Option 2: With a computer or iPad using the Apple Tv (airplay display)
Option 3: Full interactive capabilities, connecting your Computer with the HDMI cable and the USB cable.
Remember that if you want the full Interactive capability of the projector, you need to connect using the last option.
epson+smart notebook
The interactive projector works very well with the SMART Notebook software, which is great news, since Notebook is one of the best interactive tools available for interactive whiteboards/projectors.
It is highly recommended you install this software in your computer. To do so, please follow this link and download the software.
When prompted to add a license number, please type:
training plan
How to do the basic setup and install the software
Plug and play
Using the basic EPSON Brightlight software
Go full interactive
Use annotation with devices connected via Airplay (student-devices)
Smart Notebook
Screen Recording
Smart Notebook gadgets and activities
Try it in your own Classroom
Total time: 1 hour 45 min (2 sessions)
useful tips
Everything will work better if your Mac Book Pro and iPad (if it is the case) is UP TO DATE. Please go to the Apple Store and make sure your software is up to date.
If your Mac is running slow, there are ways to make it work better. See useful strategies here.
Do not turn of the black switch when the video beam or projector lamp is on. This damages the cooling system.
When changing rooms and spaces, it's a good idea to turn off and back on the wifi (if you are using a laptop), or turn on and off "Airplane Mode" if you are using an iPad, so your device searches for the right Access Point.
You can also try asking your students from G8-11 to set their personal phones to Airplane mode during your lesson, that increases connectivity. Although student phones cannot use our network, the devices automatically search for the nearest AP, creating unnecessary "noise".