A site to support Anglo teachers to share, learn, and use digital technology to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.
who we are
Ana María Botero
E-Learning Coordinator
I am a biologist with a background in population genetics who is passionate about technology. I have worked as an ICT Coach and teacher assistant in preschool, and nowadays, in secondary. I believe that educators must actively embed technology in their teaching and learning strategies, and still find it an intuitive tool, one that will mostly support them all in achieving their goals.
Camila Villaveces
Preschool ICT Coach
I am a visual artist, an illustrator and an educator. I have found in technology an amazing tool that has allowed me to grow and evolve as a professional in all three areas.

 As an educator, most of my experience focuses on early years education. I strongly believe relevant technology integration can promote and enhance meaningful learning. I also believe there is such thing as a healthy and balanced integration of technology for young learners.
