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Each grade level include previous skills

1. File management, devices, and Troubleshooting

ISTE(1) Empowered Learner

  • Creates, edits and stores content with or without teacher support.

  • Uses keyboarding home row keys effectively.

  • Is familiar with Apple hardware equipment and their functions.

  • Uses keyboarding techniques to efficiently type the Alphabet Letter Keys 2.

  • Incorporates proper keyboarding skills in order to be more efficient in typing.

2. Communicating: Text and Images

ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Explains the difference between pixels and vectors.

  • Creates and edits images using layers (acetates or apps/programs).

  • Discusses and shows how animation works using apps and classroom materials.

  • Creates animations using sequences of images to tell a story.

  • Communicates effectively combining text, drawings and pictures.

  • Identifies keywords to search on the internet.

  • Combines various elements and tools to create digital art.

3. Communicating:


ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Explains that digital information can come in different formats (images, text and sounds).

  • Explains what a timeline is in an audio editing app.

  • Uses different types of audio files.

  • Uses different apps/programs to create music.

  • Acknowledges the effect of sound in multimedia projects.

  • Names different machines or devices that can be used to play music.

  • Names different machines or devices that can be used to play videos or movies.

  • Uses tracks, loops and trims audio clips.

  • Uses pitch and tempo.

4. Data and information

ISTE(4) Knowledge Constructor

  • Identifies what a database is and what people use them for.

  • Discusses how information exists in various forms, including databases.

  • Explains what a branching database is.

  • Sorts information on a database using Yes and No questions.

  • Discusses the difference between data and information.

  • Presents and interprets data in an organised way.

  • Explains how data is stored in databases.

  • Ask questions about databases and its uses.

  • Records findings in graphic form.

  • Explains how and where information can be found and stored.

  • Creates binary trees using text or pictures.

  • Conducts searches on a database.

  • Explains what records, fields and searches are.

  • Navigates simple databases, sorting data and using search tools.

  • Conducts advanced searches using more than one search criteria.

  • Plots data effectively.

  • Creates a questionnaire to collect data.

  • Plots and interprets data.

5. Computational thinking and programming

ISTE(5) Computational Thinker

  • Writes efficient codes using loops to repeat instructions as many times as needed.

  • Discusses what loops are and how they repeat forever or until a condition changes.

  • Debugs programs and corrects errors in the code.

  • Writes algorithms to draw a square shape in Logo.

  • Explores how sequences of commands can be reduced using loops.

  • Writes an algorithm using a flowchart, to sing songs, using repeat commands.

  • Uses basic Logo commands.

  • Plans various programming Logo routines using pen and paper.

  • Pupils give a linear sequence of instructions to make things happen.

6. Digital citizenship

ISTE(2) Digital citizen

  • Saves work with the proper name and acknowledges the work of others.

  • Creates images, or uses free ones.

  • Explains how information on the Internet was posted by someone.

  • Discusses how music belongs to the person who created it.


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