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Each grade level include previous skills

1. File management, devices, and Troubleshooting

ISTE(1) Empowered Learner

  • Connects peripherals to a computer/iPad.

  • Uses iPad/trackpad gestures effectively.

  • Writes effectively using an iPad/computer keyboard.

  • Chooses and uses software from the iPad/computer to complete a given a task.

2. Communicating: Text and Images

ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Creates digital art.

  • Organises and saves images to use in different projects.

  • Discusses how image file size is related to quality of the picture.

  • Names and explains different types of image files.

  • Edits images using filters and effects.

  • Shares work using cloud services.

  • Is able to change font, upload, crop and resize images and use text wrapping skills.

3. Communicating:


ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Talks about how sound effects can enhance a story.

  • Collaborates with others to create a success criteria checklist to evaluate a multimedia project.

  • Plans an animation or photostory.

  • Creates storyboarding using multimedia.

  • Adds visual effects, titles and sounds to multimedia projects.

  • Creates simple animations using objects.

  • Creates photostories.

  • Records voice and sounds.

4. Data and information

ISTE(4) Knowledge Constructor

  • Discusses how computers are connected in school.

  • Explains how the internet is used to share information.

  • Is able to explain the form and function of networks.

  • Explores the school's network.

  • Explains how different devices (iPads and computers) can access the same server.

  • Discusses what web browsers are.

  • Discusses the importance of safe and responsible use of Internet services

  • Simulates how information travels through the Internet.

  • Collects data using tools and records it on a database.

5. Computational thinking and programming

ISTE(5) Computational Thinker

  • Decomposes complex problems into more manageable parts.

  • Uses loops effectively.

  • Writes an algorithm for playing a simple board game

  • Creates a flow chart to demonstrate the sequence of a daily function in the life of the school.

  • Introduces procedures in Logo using the command.

  • Creates a procedure in Logo called square that draws a square every time it is used.

  • Creates patterns using procedures to draw repeated shapes, e.g. flowers.

  • Describes procedures in Scratch.

  • Plan a linear (non-branching) sequence of instructions.

  • Presents data in a systematic way.

6. Digital citizenship

ISTE(2) Digital citizen

  • Takes care of iPads and computers and their elements.

  • Discusses the relationship between personal information and data protection.

  • Discusses safe ways to use the Internet.


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