A site to support Anglo teachers to share, learn, and use digital technology to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.
Resources: Online Subscriptions
Animated videos and interactive activities on a wide range of topics
Used by
Students and Teachers
How to Log in
How to Log in
My BrainPOP account
You can log in with your Google's school account (G Suite for Education).
BrainPOP distinguishes between student and teacher accounts.
As a teacher you can import classes from Google Classroom, assign videos and activities as tasks, give feedback on the tasks assigned in BrainPop.
School-wide Account
Gives a general access without differentiating users and without the possibilities it offers when logging in with Google.
Username: angloschool Password: colombia
Used by
Students and Teachers
How to Log in
The best online encyclopedia, with truthful and high quality information.
From school
If you access from a device connected to the school's Internet network, you automatically log in without the need for a user name and password.
From your home
You can login using the following account:
Username: anglo Password: britannica
Used by
Students and Teachers
How to Log in
You can login using the following account:
Username: anglocolombiano Password: school
The most-used reference resource
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How to Log in
Easily create stunning presentations, digital cards or micro websites