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Once properly set up the Interwrite whiteboard is a pretty good option for teaching and learning.
What do I need?
You need the Interwrite software installed in your computer.
We strongly recommend you install as well the SMART Notebook software, it works with the Interwrite WB, and it is amazing. Download here.
When prompted to add a license number, please type:
If you need to, please download the required software in this link.
You need the working whiteboard of course. Please report right away when equipment fails.
You need the pens (charged), just push them to the bottom of the charger until the light turns orange, it means they are charging.
You need a USB cable connecting from the IWB to your computer. This gives you the interactivity.
Option 1: You need an VGA/HDMI cable to connect your computer to the Video Beam for projection.
Option 2: You can use your Apple TV as well.
getting started
Turn the projector and the IWB on
Connect the projection any way you want (Apple TV or cable). You should decide what works best for you.
Connect your IWB to your computer using the USB cable.
The Device Manager window will appear to confirm that everything is OK or report any errors. Usually it will only ask for calibration.
Press the calibrate button (in the IWB surface), and mark the points to calibrate the IWB. You should need to do this only once, however vibrations de-calibrate the IWB easily, so you might need to allow time to do this.
Close the Device Manager window and start playing!