A site to support Anglo teachers to share, learn, and use digital technology to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.
ICT Strategy Evaluation
May, 2017.
The goal was to evaluate where is the Anglo regarding the ICT Strategic Plan. This information has been used, and will be used to inform the next planning stage, and to identify challenges and opportunities to turn the school into a 21st century learning organisation.
Evaluation description
The evaluation was made using the ISTE Lead&Transform Diagnostic tool available to ISTE members. The Anglo holds two ISTE memberships for now. This evaluation survey is based on ISTE's essential conditions.
how was data collected?
who answered the survey?
Leadership (except the Rector), people who are in charge of teams across the school, pastoral leaders, ICT digital coaches, student representatives, IT Director, Finance Director and Human Resources Director.
The biggest constraint for the validity of the results, was the lack of familiarity with ISTE, or ISTE's essential conditions.
Another risk validity was the lack of awareness of what was going on in the different teams regarding ICT integration, which is a result in itself.
Finally the lack of knowledge about existing documentation such as the ICT plan itself, or the existing policies related to digital technology.
findings SUMMARY
shared vision
Not quite shared yet. There is some awareness of a plan, however for most people the plan consists of hardware and changes in infrastructure.
In general the ICT plan has been understood only as the implementation plan, which is the technical aspects.
implementation planning
Lots to be done still. There are key steps to be taken, such as assigning specific roles to stakeholders, as well as the resources required to support the plans. The strategy needs to be better connected with the School's implementation plan, or "Plan Maestro". The roles and responsibilities in leading change and innovation with digital technology are particularly important, because ICT integration is still perceived as the responsibility of a small group of people, and not the Faculty as such.
empowered leaders
Team leaders feel they are empowered to make decisions. However an structured feedback system needs to be put in place.
There aren't incentives for "educators to use and integrate technology in creative ways". In a way it does not make a big difference in teacher recruiting or payscales.
skilled personell
Technology is used to meet curriculum goals, yet use it for differentiation is still a challenge for many people.
Several important pieces missing from the picture: incentives, accountability, student voice, and attainment of curriculum goals through the use of digital technology.
engaged communities
Results suggest more communication on both the Integration and Implementation Plans is required towards school parents.
technical support
There is a need for more alternative ways of technical support.
The technical infrastructure has improved significantly in the last three years, however requests to helpdesk suggest there is a considerable number of staff, who have not developed basic digital skills, despite having access to the resources.
Some lag is still perceived in the response from the IT support team.
Current levels of connectivity won’t be enough in 3-5 years time.
curriculum framework
Technology is still perceived as a standalone tool, the school needs to move towards ICT as a literacy across the three programs.
Technology as a tool to meet curriculum goals: a work in progress. Data from class visits and teacher coaching suggests there is fear to integrate technology probably due to lack of confidence.
Digital learning goals are clearly embedded in the curriculum in Primary and Preschool where the ICT Scope and Sequence is integrated to the units. In Secondary it’s up to individual teachers, so it is an important area for growth.
It is clear the use of digital tools is considered a factor that motivates the students, why and how this is happening, needs to be understood.
The fact that the Anglo works with the ISTE standards is not widely known.
consistent, adequate funding
More resources could be allocated to technology integration, although the school has now three ICT coaches or integrators (one per section), one of this positions has another very demanding role in Primary.
There is a lack of knowledge about how resources are allocated, and the process to obtain support from the Board, as well as the necessary leadership to do it.
Some uncertainty on the sustainability of the ICT Strategy is perceived.
Results suggest there is “some” flexibility with funding but is not yet what the school would require.
assessment and evaluation
There is some consistency across the school or the sections, evaluation of effective use of technology to enhance student learning.
Some technology purchasing decisions may be made based on how teachers use technology (iPad apps in Preschool and Primary), however in secondary, the ICT Team does not have access to teacher evaluation data, therefore it is not used to inform purchasing.
There is data available on “Technology Integration Practices” (attendance to training sessions data, as well as individual/team coaching sessions).
It is not clear up to what point data is used across the school to make decisions in the school.
ongoing professional learning
About voluntary training, results suggest that taking advantage of “in-house” training opportunities is not considered widely in the Performance Management goals, or required from teachers.
Levels of knowledge regarding professional development opportunities available is varied.
Most training going on in the Anglo is traditional. More alternative opportunities are needed.
equitable access
Some delay is perceived in student use of technology due to technical problems.
Access to digital resources in the school is not widely known to everyone. However improvements in equity in access is recognised.
support policies
internal + external
Policies in place
Digital Citizenship?-Common Sense Media
Acceptable Technology Use?
Technology professional development plans?
Web filtering and online use of digital tools?
Technology responsibility and accountability?
Policies not in place
Student at home access to technology?
Technology Maintenance and upkeep?
Technology Updates and Purchasing?
Technical support requests?
Technology tracking and inventory?
Evaluation of technology effectiveness?
-There needs to be more awareness of opportunities to promote technology related initiatives with the School Board, Parents Association, other schools, and other institutions.
student-centered learning
In some cases, teachers are keen to use technology and aware of the importance of implementing it for pedagogical purposes.
Anglo students are not getting the same digital learning opportunities.
Answers suggest some adaptation of technology-centered pedagogies has occurred across the school.
Traditional forms of assessment are still common in the Anglo, and are preferred by staff.
Although one ICT team member is leading Learning Support and ICT integration, there needs to be more consistency across the sections to ensure this.
Definitely accessing content and information has changed in the previous years, probably through online platforms, more access to digital books, etc.
Action points 2017-2018
start the conversation
Get key stakeholders together, as well as anyone in the community interested in digital learning to share ideas, and plan the next stage of the ICT integration plan. This must involve the technical staff.
effective communication
Existing plans and developing strategies need to be communicated effectively to the Community.
This plans must be used by leadership when addressing the community and must be connected to other initiatives throughout the school.
implementation planning
Define clear roles in the community. Who is expected to do what, and which resources do they need to do it (time, people, funding, etc.)
Cultural shift: digital learning is the responsibility of ALL faculty.
Go over the implementation plan (hardware, software and infrastructure) and update it according to the vision of the integration plan.
empowered and skillful
Empower students
Digital leaders program with full support from Leadership
Student-led technology events: students training teachers
Student learning portfolios: a digital journey of learning
Accountability from the learners point of view: how are our students learning with digital technology?
Professional development hours certified by the school.
Ongoing and effective feedback collected across the school.
P.D.: Training workshops aiming at using digital technology effectively in differentiation.
Find out exactly how digital technology is being used to enhance the curriculum and meet curriculum goals.
ICT integration skills should be a stronger point when recruiting new staff.
your comfort zone
where the magic happens
Original idea from: http://www.theironyou.com/
Support and offer training to parents in an ever-changing digital landscape.
effective technical support
Develop the implementation for the next 3-5 years.
Visible and public log of requests to Helpdesk.
Send receipt tickets promptly, so it is clear someone is aware of the request.
IT Personnel should be introduced properly in the sections, so teachers know who to turn to.
More support is requested in Preschool, so the Integration coach does not end up responding to technical request, and is able to focus on educational goals.
We recommend technical staff to evaluate the effectiveness of technical setups when the users are in the classrooms (teachers+students).
Match the skill level with the access to digital technology. Resources should not be un-used.
Strengthen Digital Leaders program, from Primary to G11.
Teacher mentors
digital-age curriculum
Move towards ICT as a literacy across the three programs, and understanding of 21st century digital skills.
Training on ICT integration from the conceptual perspective.
Ensure the ICT scope and sequence is effectively integrated in the curriculum in the three sections.
Every student has access to use digital tools when it is most appropriate. This needs to be verified and measure in terms of impacts of technology integration in student learning.
Senior and Middle leaders are expected to promote the ISTE standards within their own areas of influence.
ensuring financial support and continuity
One digital technology coach per two grades.
Which technology integration training strategies could be implemented and how much would they cost?
Communicate how is the ICT strategy budget planned, used and the evidences of this in everyday situations.
Needs assessment, to understand where key stakeholders consider resources should be allocated.
assess, evaluate
Develop this procedures and metrics to measure the "impact of technology initiatives on student learning".
This data should be used to promote reflection within the teams and departments.
Observation forms need to be designed to observe impact of technology use on student learning.
Customised training addressing the needs of department/teams.
Attendance to training and technology initiatives needs to be followed up by Middle and Senior Leaders (teachers are accountable to).
Custom-made training plans for departments and teams.
Alternative forms of professional development: -teacher-led mini conferences -teacher coaching -champions and mentors -sharing good practice and student work -teachers teaching teachers -students teaching teachers -online courses
professional learning
The IT Team needs more aware of what is going on in the classroom, and the actual use teachers and students are doing with technology.
Develop standards and guidelines for using digital technology as a tool for meeting the needs of students with special needs.
truly student-centered
Ensure that every student has access to learning opportunities with digital technology.
Understand 21st century assessments, and embed them in the planned units
ISTE standards for everyone.
Shift the mindset and not expect the same from digital assessment and traditional assessment.
Use of Google Classroom obligatory for G3-11
Better understanding of GAFE opportunities.
School leaders and ICT team need to ensure that every student has access to this technology powered pedagogies (teacher followup and accountability, targeted training, measuring impact of ICT integration on student learning).