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Username: humanities2015


Password: history

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Recommended for:

5 - 7 Grades

8 - 9 Grades

10 - 11 Grades

"ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, worksheets and lesson plans for teachers and students.  There is a section on the IB Diploma but it is of greater use lower down the school.  It is a valuable addition to our existing resources."


- Andrew Barnes


Username: humanities2015


Password: history

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Recommended for:

5 - 7 Grades

8 - 9 Grades

10 - 11 Grades

"ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, worksheets and lesson plans for teachers and students.  There is a section on the IB Diploma but it is of greater use lower down the school.  It is a valuable addition to our existing resources."


- Andrew Barnes

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Recommended for:

5 - 7 Grades

8 - 9 Grades

10 - 11 Grades

"“Histography" is interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015.
The site draws historical events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new recorded events.
The interface allows for users to view between decades to millions of years.
The viewer can choose to watch a variety of events which have happened in a particular period or to target a specific event in time. For example you can look at the past century within the categories of war and inventions."



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