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Each grade level include previous skills

1. File management, devices, and Troubleshooting

ISTE(1) Empowered Learner

  • Uses school-based Google account effectively.

  • Manages effectively multiple apps on a mobile device.

  • Uses battery efficiently.

  • Sets up accesibility options if needed.

  • Troubleshoots connectivity issues (Wifi and Airplay)

  • Exports files from any app/program to Google Drive or other cloud services.

  • Manages compatibility between apps/programs.

  • Opens Google files in other apps and viceversa.

  • Names devices properly, hardware and software.

  • Understands cloud computing.

  • Uses gestures effectively on different devices.

  • Shares files via airdrop.

  • Keeps backup copies of important files.

  • Changes the input language of various devices.

  • Uses dictation if required.

  • Prevents damage and data corruption by saving/exporting files properly.

  • Explains what is a network and the type of networks that can be accessed at school.

  • Identifies the unique ID number every device has on a network.

  • Groups apps on iPad home screen according to criteria.

  • Uses alternate keyboards on the iPad.

  • Backups and synchronization in multiple devices (if available).

  • Uses iCloud Drive for Pages, Keynote, Calendar and other Apple apps.

2. Communicating: Text and Images

ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Creates/exports text/publishing projects in various formats.

  • Effective document setup (page size, margins, orientation, etc.)

  • Inserts headers and footnotes in a word processing app/program.

  • Inserts graphic elements in a word processing document.

  • Modifies the properties of graphic elements in word processing documents.

  • Aligns/distribute objects in different apps/programs.

Objects can be text boxes, graphs, pictures, drawings, videos, gifs, etc.

  • Groups/ungroup graphic objects, graphs, tables or images in different apps/programs.

  • Copies and pastes format in different elements.

  • Uses tabs and rulers effectively in word Processing apps/programs.

  • Replaces values/words in different apps/programs.

  • Adds comments in shared documents.

  • Creates digital books about a given theme.

  • Modifies page layout for printing in different sizes.

  • Uses spelling/grammar correction in various apps/programs.

  • Creates numbered/tiered number lists in different apps/programs.

  • Inserts hyperlinks in various documents/presentations/spreadsheets.

  • Uses effective handwriting apps/tools in an iPad.

  • Takes notes using different apps/programs.

  • Manages notes in Cloud services.

  • Uses iPad/Mac gestures effectively to view/present documents.

  • Insert page/section breaks in a word processing app/comptuer program.

  • Creates column layouts in a word processing app/program.

  • Creates a table of contents in a word processing document using apps/programs.

  • Manages headings and paragraph styles.

  • Manages notes and creates handouts in presentation programs.

  • Uses email+comment tools in shared documents (GAFE)

  • Creates digital books about a given theme.

  • Produces publications using desktop publishing apps/programs (see Reference).

3. Communicating:


ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

Video and image capture

Image editing

Website design

  • Creates video/audio files and exports to the needed output.

  • Takes screenshots in the iPad.

  • Captures screen areas in any computer using key combinations.

  • Records screen effectively in different devices.

  • Imports video into video-editing app/program.

  • Captures video/audio using different devices (camera, iPad, or tablet).

  • Transfers large video/audio files using Cloud services/hard disks.

  • Organises video/audio clips on a timeline in different apps/programs.

  • Trims video/audio clips.

  • Overlays text, visual effects on video clips.

  • Corrects video/audio quality, using effectively video-editing apps/programs.

  • Detaches audio from a video clip and sets up movie sound quality properly.

  • Uses few text such as keywords, short paragraphs or bullet points in presentations.

  • Effective use of visual/sound effects.

  • Creates animations and simple movies using presentation apps/programs.

  • Organizes picture/graphic files using layers in graphic apps/programs.

  • Uses the toolbar/palettes and work areas in graphic apps/programs.

  • Exports graphic/photo files in different formats.

  • Creates diagrams, drawings, sketches, concept maps, and simple infographics using graphic apps/programs.

  • Understands picture/audio file formats.

  • Chooses correct format according to project output.

  • Uses photo gallery edit/correction options to modify pictures.

  • Uses image/video editing apps.

  • Keeps video library organised using certain criteria.

4. Data and information

ISTE(4) Knowledge Constructor

  • Reads and annotates e-text effectively.

  • Names and stores files properly according to purpose or category.

  • Creates/organizes folders in Google Drive based on a specific criteria.

  • Searches for files or apps effectively on an iPad/Computer.

  • Searches files effectively in Google Drive.

  • Adds shared files/folders to personal Drive.

  • Reverts unwanted changes in shared files.

  • Creates/exports spreadsheets in different formats.

  • Organises data/information effectively using tables in different apps/programs.

  • Modifies columns and rows on a spreadsheet program or any table.

  • Changes data order in a spreadsheet or any table.

  • Merges/unmerges cells in a spreadsheet or any table.

  • Applies formatting to cells in a spreadsheet or any table.

  • Uses mathematical and statistical functions in a spreadsheet.

  • Uses filters to view data appropriately.

  • Creates and modifies graphs.

  • Identifies relevant questions before doing searches online.

  • Defines relevant keywords to find useful information.

  • Checks the validity and relevance of information found on the web.

  • Understands permissions and rights on material found online, respects copyright.

  • Uses operators (+, -), symbols ("", ?) and advanced search options.

  • Identifies success criteria for a reliable website.

  • Uses advanced file search options (Smart Folders) in a Computer.

  • Use of Graphic Inspector and Cells Inspector to customize and format image and cell formatting.

  • Perform instant calculations and predefined quick formulas in my spreadsheet.

  • Add, edit and remove formulas using the Formula Editor.

  • Collects data using Google Forms.

5. Computational thinking and programming

ISTE(5) Computational Thinker


Computing is about developing hardware and software solutions.

  • Designs algorithms to describe processes step by step in solving a problem.

  • Designs simulations to understand/teach topic(s).

  • Develops representation(s) of the real world problems, systems, or situations.

  • Categorizes information/data visually using concept maps.

  • Connects text/graphic boxes in a concept map.

  • Modifies links in a concept map app/program.

  • Creates concept maps based on outlines.

  • Transfers knowledge of algorithms into solving robotics building/programming challenges.

  • Builds simple/intermediate/advanced mechanisms and machines using Lego Robotics Kits.

  • Programs simple routines in robots

  • Builds complex robots/machines using Lego Robotics.

  • Applies maths/physics concepts to robot programming challenges.

  • Troubleshoots data transmission problems between robots and other devices.

  • Tests&debugs robot programming routines.

  • Uses robot sensors to collect and process real-world data.

  • Solves complex programming challenges using Lego Robotics.

  • Understands small domain-specific languages, such as the block symbols to program a robot.

  • Understands computers as models of intelligent behavior (Robots).



  • Decomposes a problem into sub-problems to solve it.

6. Digital citizenship

ISTE(2) Digital citizen

  • Uses the school account complying with the AUP in place.

  • Manages time effectively when using iPad apps.

  • Creates calendars, events, reminders using calendar apps.

  • Creates shared calendars.

  • Find solutions to common problems and supports others.

  • Respects teacher-given guidelines on iPad use.

  • Productive when using digital technology in learning settings.

  • Respects rights and obligations when using and sharing intellectual propery.

  • Uses common sense and care when using shared/school/personal devices.

  • Discuss the benefits, limitations and risks of social networks.

  • Utilize reliable web sites along with Internet safety rules.

  • Cares for technology elements in classrooms.

  • Develops projects in collaboration with peers (school or outside).

  • Devices are ready to use in every lesson.

  • Keeps track of shared files use.

7. Long life learning and problem solving

ISTE (7) Global Collaborator

  • Uses help, tutorials and visual guides to explore and learn new apps.

  • Understands/explains issues concerning being a productive user of digital technology vs. being a consumer.

  • Keeps up to date with updates and how fixes and changes lead to better productivity.

  • Solves problems effective using Google search and Youtube channels.

  • Suscribes to useful Youtube channels.

  • Discuss issues related to video-game content.

  • Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.*

  • Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities.*

  • Communicate about technology using
    developmentally appropriate and accurate

  • Transfers what he/she already knows to learn new digital technologies.


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