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Each grade level include previous skills

1. File management, devices, and Troubleshooting

ISTE(1) Empowered Learner

  • Delete iPad's history.

  • Opens, closes, or restarts apps.

  • Identifies and uses the same icons in various apps.

  • Names projects according to teacher's instructions.

  • Explains what it means to "Save" work, and how it is done without an iPad.

  • Names various machines and devices that are familiar.

  • Discuss how technology is made by people.

  • Identifies and uses the "+" sign to add elements or create new projects in different apps.

  • Turns on/off wifi on the iPad if instructed by the teacher.

2. Communicating: Text and Images

ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Creates simple stories using different apps.

  • Idetifies icons in different apps and relates them to real-world materials.

3. Multimedia

ISTE(6) Creative Communicator

  • Creates stories using different elements in Puppet Pals.

  • Records voice and ambience sounds in different apps.

  • Identifies buttons to record, stop, pause or delete a recording.

4. Data and information

ISTE(4) Knowledge Constructor

  • Represents data through drawings.

  • Discuss what data means.

5. Coding

ISTE(5) Computational Thinker

  • Knows to different ways to make the Beebot move from point A to point B.

  • Plays and experiments with different Beebot challenges.

  • Explains what a program is.

  • Explains what an algorithm is.

  • Describe existing storyboards of everyday activities.

  • Kids can order a collection of pictures into the correct sequence.

6. Digital citizenship

ISTE (2) Digital citizen

  • Participates actively in collaborative projects.

  • Helps and supports other children when using digital technology.

  • Discuss where information comes from.


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