A site to support Anglo teachers to share, learn, and use digital technology to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.
1. File management, devices, and Troubleshooting
ISTE(1) Empowered Learner
Each grade level include previous skills
Names and saves files properly, helps others do the same.
Troubleshoots simple problems when using apps that need a microphone or a camera.
Explains the use of commonly found icons.
Uses icons in Minecraft PE to create a project.
Troubleshoots simple connectivity issues.
Knows which app can be use for which project (within the range of familiar apps).
Interprets dialog boxes and warning messages when using the iPad.
Copies and pastes information withing one app or between apps.
I am familiar with computer hardware components.
2. Communicating: Text and Images
ISTE(6) Creative Communicator
Tells stories or shares experiences using different tools.
Creates original work (without copying teacher examples).
Add elements to digital books (Book Creator).
Creates comics.
Uses proper typing techniques.
3. Multimedia
ISTE(6) Creative Communicator
Creates a slideshow with my digital art.
Creates simple video/audio projects and shares them with an audience.
4. Data and information
ISTE(4) Knowledge Constructor
Writes questions to guide the inquiry task.
Identify keywords to find the information required.
Paraphrases information found in books or websites.
Uses book cover and index page to reference where the information comes from.
Evaluates the usefulness of the information found.
5. Coding
ISTE(5) Computational Thinker
Uses Beebot commands (FWRD-BACK-RIGHT-LEFT-GO-CLEAR).
Uses Beebot programming commands (COMMAND-FUNCTION-PROGRAM-STAGE)
Troubleshoots simple problems with the Beebot (Clear Code), the application (EXIT-CLEAR HISTORY) or the iPad.
Names correctly the Beebot parts and commands.
Sorts information in categories using various iPad apps.
Proposes ways to improve the Beebot programs.
Programs functions in one go, without help.
Teaches other children how to program the Beebot.
Applies different strategies to complete the Beebot Mat challenges.
Uses Scratch Junior to program blocks of commands and complete class challenges.
Plan Scratch Junior Projects.
Tests the program made on Scratch.
Debugs the program made on Scratch.
Shares he program made on Scratch with others.
Draw their own storyboards of everyday activities.
Recognises patterns in simple sets of data.
6. Digital citizenship
ISTE (2) Digital citizen
Helps others in the class when using digital technology.
Respect other's ideas when doing collaborative projects.
Asks for help if required.
Acknowledge his/her own work and the work of others.